I have been working with dogs for fifteen years, shepherds specifically for twelve years. my passion for this amazing breed started when a wonderful teacher in my school, whom Raised Puppies as Guide Dogs for the Blind, brought her puppy to class. something About that day absolutely inspired me, and has stuck with me to this day. The Teacher had allowed me to work with the puppy ( as well as Guide dogs for the blind) And help him with his training. This was a insane blessing for me as I was hooked, and so began my passion for working dogs. My family got me a Hobo shepherd pup which i named Kiva. I got some greif with her about her color, but our determination to train and our 'do anything' attitude got us far! We joined our local SAR unit and started training when she was 6 months old. It was a lot of work but we had a amazing career working with the Kootenai County SAR Council and then Kootenai County Sheriff Volunteer Search and Rescue unit where we were a Scent specific tracking team for years until akiva retired. During that same period we had gotten a Male shepherd Treue a stunning dark sable with whom we attained our BH title, and were working on Schh1 when he was diagnosed with Lymphatic cancer and passed away at 3 years old. Those two dogs got me hooked on German Shepherds and fueled my goals to help produce healthy dogs to change someone elses life, like my Shepherds have done for me.
In being heavily scrutinized by People and Judged based off of Akivas color regardless of her being a perfect example of a working dog, I have developed a great determination and it is my personal goal to see to it that other non standard colors can not only be more wildly accepted, but also excel in the working world. It is our long term goal to produce top quality non standard color working bloodlines, from top pedigrees and unsurpassed in structure and health. Well rounded dogs, suitable as both family dogs and excellent sport candidates.
thank you for visiting our site, and please dont hesitate to reach out with any questions about our dogs and our program.